Start things off with an awesome commercial I saw today.
Four weeks have gone by and we have definitely made a lot of progress. The team has come a long way since that first day we suited up together back in September. This past week we started ironing out the details of our game. Face-offs, man-up, man-down, 6v6 you know the good stuff.
This weekend was a little crazy due high school playoff basketball games being played in our field house. It's not that I have a problem with them using our facilities for high school basketball games. I just don't understand WHY they would want to. The floors in that gym are the farthest thing from hardwood ever. If concrete and linoleum had an illegitimate child it would be the PSU field house. How in gods name you could consider playing a basketball game on that is beyond me.
I digress.
We had a nice little red and white scrimmage between the squad. It was nice to play some full field and get up and down. Gordie played out of his mind in net. Tomorrow is film and possibly some basketball (BALLLLLLLIN).
So we are currently 5 days away from our season opener in good old Danbury, Connecticut. At this point I am chomping at the bit to play a game and get this season going.
It seems from the emails I've been receiving from Mrs.Kramer that we have an awesome weekend set up down on "the island". Fun fact: Only ten players on the team are NOT from Long Island. Yea, nothing like sitting in the locker room and hearing debates about how Nassau/Suffolk is so much better than Suffolk/Nassau or how (insert LI high school team here) is way better than (insert LI high school team here) because they beat them in a fall scrimmage at the Pumpkin Lax Jamboree Shootout. Sick.
The one thing I have realized is that it seems that winning a county or Long Island championship is all that seems to matter to these gentleman. No one seems to care about the playoffs after that. Apparently the rest of NY state does not play lacrosse? (Sidenote: I am 99% sure on LI in high school football their is only a LI champion that doesn't go on to play the rest of the state. Someone please explain this to me.)
Truth is I find it all entertaining and I consider myself somewhat knowledgeable on the area after having spent the past 4 years hanging out with LI historian Kyle Norchi.
The Knicks beat the Heat tonight with Billups coming up huge at the end. Funny story: My friend was on vacation in some Caribbean island and had seen Chauncy Billups around the resort he was staying at. So one day his Dad gets in the elevator and low and behold who is there, Mr. Billups. What does my friends dad do.
(Stares at him for a couple of seconds) Hey! Big Shot Billups....Ha. (Walks out of elevator).
Black Swan didn't win the Oscar for best picture but a very pregnant Natalie Portman did win for best actress. Hey I definitely agree she was great in Black Swan but that wasn't her best work.

The Professional duh.
For those of you wondering where I get all those ridiculous facts at the end of the last few blogs I go here, and this time I think I found a winner:
In 10th-century Burma, King Theinhko ate a farmer’s cucumbers without permission. The farmer killed the king and took the throne.
Life was so simple back then.
Try and watch this video without laughing I dare you.
Try and watch this video without laughing I dare you.
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