Just some current events...
I am sure everyone has heard by now about the passing of Apple's CEO and co-founder, Steve Jobs. I would like to pay my respects and honor this truly amazing innovator of my generation. I am a huge Apple product fan and I always will be, because of his brilliant ideas and visions.

Also I must pay respects to Al Davis, the general manger and owner of the NFL Oakland Raiders. Al Davis will always be the face of the Oakland Raiders, and has done so much for that franchise. With Davis in control, the Raiders became one of the most successful teams in all of professional sports. From 1967 to 1985 the team won 13 division championships, one AFL championship (1967), three Super Bowls (XL, XV, XVIII), and made 15 playoff appearances.
Alright so moving on, the guys have been working extremely hard in preparing for this weeks game vs McGill University. The coaches are working on putting all the the pieces together, while we are working on our condition, strength, stick skills, and camaraderie. So yeah, this week is the week. Our final evaluation and test to see if we can put it all together to get a strong win and put the right foot forward going into the season. The past two years in my career have conjured quite some battles with McGill. For those new to the program, my freshman year, they came here and really stuck it to us, no excuses. Last year we came out with a lot more emotion and fire and really stuck it to them, but as for as the 'no excuses' part, that was not the case. McGill claimed that they were not properly "equipped" with their full team. You know what they say, "excuses are like @$$h0le$, everyone has one and they all stink!" This year should be a real thriller, we really hope to get at them.
To give us an even greater incentive, prior to the game all the guys will be participating in our 3rd annual St. Baldrick's "Shaving Your Way to Conquer Kid's Cancer" event at Therapy Sports Lounge in downtown Plattsburgh. Yes that is correct, all the guys with their girlie locks will soon be rocking a bald-e. For the game we will be rocking awesome custom made St. Baldrick's jerseys that I will show you all in the next video coming up. The next video will also consist of highlights from the mountain, McGill game, and the alumni game. Okay, so while I am on the topic of videos... due to a minor unemployment hiatus, I am now back on track in finishing this highlight tape, I promise.
Ha, so the alumni game, yes yes. The time has come for the old alumni guys to come up and really try and mess our day up. I have already heard about them talking smack and that their attack unit, consisting of Norchi and Luke will be unstoppable. We shall see if they have an answer for our attack unit. It is always fun, and this weekend should really be a good time.
Alright well I hope you all enjoyed the update, and the blog will not go unattended for long times, I assure it. So now, some food for thought. I told you I am home for Columbus Day break, but who was Columbus, was he the glorified hero we all think he is? Some of you might not care or might know the real answer but, as an education major we debate if we should teach our kids the "truth" of our history. No need to go into further details, just a funny clip from one of my favorite shows on TV about the subject, The Office. Just stick it out to the end (2:00 mins).
Well I hope to see all the new parent faces Friday for a much anticipated tailgate and hope that we get a large showing for what should be a great weekend.
-if any suggestions for songs please comment. I can say with much certainty that DeFran and I do not have the same likings of music, but I am open to much of anything.

Also I must pay respects to Al Davis, the general manger and owner of the NFL Oakland Raiders. Al Davis will always be the face of the Oakland Raiders, and has done so much for that franchise. With Davis in control, the Raiders became one of the most successful teams in all of professional sports. From 1967 to 1985 the team won 13 division championships, one AFL championship (1967), three Super Bowls (XL, XV, XVIII), and made 15 playoff appearances.

To give us an even greater incentive, prior to the game all the guys will be participating in our 3rd annual St. Baldrick's "Shaving Your Way to Conquer Kid's Cancer" event at Therapy Sports Lounge in downtown Plattsburgh. Yes that is correct, all the guys with their girlie locks will soon be rocking a bald-e. For the game we will be rocking awesome custom made St. Baldrick's jerseys that I will show you all in the next video coming up. The next video will also consist of highlights from the mountain, McGill game, and the alumni game. Okay, so while I am on the topic of videos... due to a minor unemployment hiatus, I am now back on track in finishing this highlight tape, I promise.
Ha, so the alumni game, yes yes. The time has come for the old alumni guys to come up and really try and mess our day up. I have already heard about them talking smack and that their attack unit, consisting of Norchi and Luke will be unstoppable. We shall see if they have an answer for our attack unit. It is always fun, and this weekend should really be a good time.
Alright well I hope you all enjoyed the update, and the blog will not go unattended for long times, I assure it. So now, some food for thought. I told you I am home for Columbus Day break, but who was Columbus, was he the glorified hero we all think he is? Some of you might not care or might know the real answer but, as an education major we debate if we should teach our kids the "truth" of our history. No need to go into further details, just a funny clip from one of my favorite shows on TV about the subject, The Office. Just stick it out to the end (2:00 mins).
Well I hope to see all the new parent faces Friday for a much anticipated tailgate and hope that we get a large showing for what should be a great weekend.
-if any suggestions for songs please comment. I can say with much certainty that DeFran and I do not have the same likings of music, but I am open to much of anything.
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